
Just a couple little notes:

Here's Hank on halibut cheeks (and the rest of the halibut)

Dinner at Incanto last night. I think I'll regale you with that little tale tomorrow.

Speaking of tomorrow, we're going to the cocktail party at the ferry building. Are you going? I hope so!


Hunter Angler Gardener Cook said...

Well, hello there! Glad you liked my halibut post. Is that your 'but in the picture? Looks like a damn big California halibut, or an average Pacific.

Glad to see you like Incanto, too. I have interviewed Chris Cosentino a few times and find him intense and engaging at the same time. He convinced me to make shad roe bottarga.

BB said...

Hey Hank!

thanks for stopping by. That's not my fish, no. I've established a pretty liberal attitude towards stealing other people's pictures for use on this blog. That is my sea urchin, though!

I love Incanto. And shad roe bottarge sounds fun. Are your interviews with Cosentino published somewhere?

Hunter Angler Gardener Cook said...

Yep. One is on my blog under "articles," it is a story about artisanal salami in the Stockton Record. The other is in Edible Sacramento, in the winter issue; I spoke with Cosentino about offal.